Friday, August 14, 2009

The domestic Goddess

I will never be labeled as a domestic goddess। I shun cleaning,cooking and organizing. I work 40 hours a week plus the 10 hours a week I spend commuting back and fourth to work. I come home I just want to crash and relax although really I can't. I have 2 children, one 3 and one newborn.

When people come into my parents house , it looks like a show house. All of the rooms are dusted and cleaned on a regular basis. The outdoor yard is perfectly landscaped. My parents do all of this themselves. My mom was a stay at home mom though and my dad is a guru with home improvement. I am lucky if I get my husband to touch up paint on the walls. He was raised in Brooklyn in a small apartment and doesn't seem interested in learning how to fix things on his own.

I come home from work and start cooking dinner, which is usually selected from a menu planned ahead of time. Sometimes I use the crockpot and start the dinner in the morning. I occasionally use cookbooks to find new recipes. I enjoy the cookbooks my mom has from the 1960s and 1970s as the recipes are simple and typically use ingredients I have on hand.

I then clean the kitchen stove, I don't do the dishes as my husband insists on doing them by hand even though we own a dishwasher. Usually the dishes end up sitting in the sink so long that I end up washing them in the dishwasher as he doesn't get home until after 7 and is also tired.

Laundry gets done once or twice a week and I do as much as I can at one time, I try to put all of the clothes away all at once and rarely iron unless the clothes look like a giant spider web of wrinkles has invaded them. Sometimes I pick up the clothes from the drycleaners.

I take care of my daughters and give them a bath before dinner. They are of mixed race and both my husband and I have very curly hair so washing her hair and styling my 3 year old's hair is always a long process (At least half an hour) as my husband refuses to let me cut her hair and if it were straight it would be waist length. It is so thick and curly now that I have to section off her hair and even with tons of conditioner its hard to get a comb through. I didn't even mention the tantrums and her being very stubborn. Getting her to do anything (eat, get dressed, go to the potty) is always a long task in itself. And then you have breastfeeding the baby.

Thats basically my week, other cleaning and organizing typically doesn't get done. Like vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, washing the windows, any yard work, organzing the closets and pantry, being able to spring clean. The weekends are typically spend running around and I'm lucky if I get any time to clean, plus being pregnant I don't use anything with chemicals. Sometimes I feel ashamed that I am not like my mother and don't have a house that spotless and clean. Some of my friends have resorted to hiring a maid, but that is not in our budget. I think I would feel guilty about hiring a maid when I could be doing the same work myself. I own a townhouse and even though we want to eventually move into a bigger house I fear all of the extra cleaning tasks and responsibilities that come with a bigger house.

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