Friday, June 13, 2008

Coffee or Tea? None for me!

From my very first sip of coffee 23 years ago (I was a young child) I thought coffee was bitter and disgusting. My mom was convinced by my younger brother and I that we were old enough to try coffee. My mom gave us each a sip of the freshly brewed ( ok probally at least a day old) McDonald's coffee. Whereas my brother gulped it down, I immediately spit it out.

Maybe we are born as coffee drinkers or maybe our society makes us that way. Every morning since I can remember I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee in my house. Now even though my household doesn't drink it, I go into work and also smell it. I like the smell, I just don't like the taste. Don't get me wrong, I've drank coffee plenty of times and unfortunately shelled out $4.00 to get a tall caramel machiaatto at starbucks. That drink no longer tasted like coffee, it was more like a dessert of caramel and cream. I have to dump at least 3 packets of sugar into it to get rid of the aftertaste.

I sometimes feel alone in my distaste for coffee. It seems everyone jumped on the coffee train years ago. I'll take a tall glass of orange juice anyday over a large cup of coffee.

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